Thursday, December 07, 2006

My Politics

Classical liberal, american exceptionalist, and constitutional textualist. Antitheist with an appreciation for Judeo Christian ethics and customs. Unapologetic defender of Western Civilization.

What does this mean?

It means that I love the political and economic freedom that Western Civilization provides; its emphasis on reason, scientific inquiry, the seperation of church and state, tolerance, equal rights, and the liberating possibilities of free trade.

I do not believe in God. I am against religion. I can freely exercise this heretical position (to some) in free knowledge that my voice cannot be silenced and I'll not be arrested or killed. Even so, I deeply appreciate the judeo-christian legacy, its contribution to law and custom. Who doesn't love Christmas? I love Christmas.

These ideas may be self-evident to some. Some may not understand their significance.

I don't take these rights and freedoms for granted. I savor them with great relish and thank my lucky stars I'm a citizen of the United States of America.

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